Grace Single Adults provides opportunities for single adults to connect, pursue growth together, and serve our community.

Through the weekly Bible study, social events, and serving opportunities, you can embrace your singleness and understand the unique opportunity you have for relational connection, and spiritual and personal growth.

The Grace Single Adult group includes lifelong singles, divorcées, widows, and widowers ages 35 and up (although our “sweet spot” is probably in the 40s, 50s, and 60s since many divorces happen at that age). It’s a great group, and we rally less around our age and more around a mutual desire to grow in the faith, form friendships, recover, heal, serve, love, and have fun. We meet at Grace Fellowship every Thursday at 6:30 for a Bible study and connect for other activities (hikes, concerts, game nights) weekly.

When: Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm, GFC, North Room 1. Childcare is available with a reservation.

Sign up below and we will email you with the details to join us!

For those impacted by divorce, come experience 12 weeks of grace, forgiveness, comfort, and healing as part of a community. This course will guide participants through the process of divorce recovery using the book: Love Never Fails: Navigating the Pain of Infidelity and Divorce by Jamin Rathbun. Topics will include sorrow, infidelity, anger, forgiveness, grief, reconciliation, and getting your mojo back. Each week’s class will use the group study guide as a way to review the content of each chapter and discuss its applications in our own unique relationships and circumstances.

Begins Tuesday, February 13th, 6:30-8 pm,, at GFC in North Room 2.

Cost $20.

Childcare is available with a reservation; space is limited.

Connect with our Facebook group to stay current on all events and opportunities!

Single Adults! Join us for a Memorial Day Picnic on the back lawn at Grace Fellowship. We’ll settle in for some fun and games on the back lawn, with grilled meat, cold drinks, and games to celebrate and honor the forefathers who won our freedom for us. I’ll grill brats and hot dogs.
Please bring a side dish or dessert of your choices (store bought chips and cookies are fine). I plan to setup tables and chairs, but bringing lawn chairs and outdoor games would be good too, just in case! Hope to see you there!

When: May 27th, 6:30-8:30pm

Where: GFC, Back Lawn.
Email or text Jamin Rathbun with questions — or 423-794-7257. Thanks!

Grace Single Adults Ministry Leader: Jamin Rathbun

If you have any questions, or would like to lead or join a small group, click below to contact Jamin.

We would love to hear from you and help in any way we can!